Media en français
Actualités regionales / Regional News
Insécurité dans la région de Tillabéri au Niger: La Chine condamne fermement les deux attaques terroristes dans la région. Source : Agence Nigérienne de Presse
Niamey, 08 nov (ANP)- Le Ministère des affaires étrangères de la République populaire de Chine a, dans un communiqué publié, ce lundi 08 novembre 2021, condamné les deux attaques terroristes intervenues dans la région de Tillabéri ayant occasionné plusieurs morts.
Tchad: Indignation des catholiques après l’agression d’un prêtre. Source : croix-com
Mercredi 3 novembre le père Simon-Pierre Madou, curé de la paroisse Bienheureux-Isidore-Bakandja de Walia Goré, dans le 9e arrondissement de N’Djamena (Tchad) a été agressé par des hommes en treillis à bord d’un pick-up. Le 5 novembre, au lendemain de cette agression, l’archevêque de la capitale du Tchad, Mgr Edmond Djitangar, a réagi dans une note rendue publique.
La menace terroriste dans le golfe de Guinée et l’Afrique de l’Ouest : Vers une coordination des actions du G5 Sahel et de celles de l’« Initiative d’Accra ». Source :
L’action du G5 Sahel, dans la lutte contre la menace terroriste, concerne 5 pays de la bande sahélienne : Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger et Tchad. Créé lors d’un sommet du 15 au 17 février 2014 par ces 5 Etats, le G5 offre un cadre institutionnel de coopération et de coordination en matière de politiques de développement et de sécurité. Si la question sécuritaire sature les débats sur la bande sahélienne, le Tchad, sous sa présidence, met en avant les questions de développement. Face à la menace terroriste, la réponse ne peut pas être uniquement sécuritaire.
Insécurité à Tillabéri : L’association des anciens parlementaires du Niger se dit affligée par les tueries de Banibangou. Source :aniamey
L’Association des Anciens parlementaires du Niger (AAPN) s’est dite affligée, dans un communiqué publié le vendredi 05 novembre 2021, par les tueries survenues dans la zone de Banibangou (Région de Tillabéri) après qu’une délégation, constituée du Maire de la localité et des ressortissants de la commune, soit tombée dans une embuscade tendue par des bandits armés à une cinquantaine de kilomètres de cette même commune.
Niger : le président Bazoum tente de rassurer la population de Banibangou. Source :tv5monde
Le président nigérien Mohamed Bazoum était en visite à Banibangou, où 69 habitants ont été tués dans une embuscade djihadiste cette semaine. Le chef de l’État a demandé à la population de « compter sur l’armée » pour lutter contre la menace terroriste.
Onze soldats tués et neuf «disparus» dans une attaque au Niger. Source : le matin
Des djihadistes « lourdement armés » ont attaqué vendredi une position de l’armée à Dagnè, dans l’ouest du Niger, tuant onze soldats.
Insécurité : une quinzaine de soldats tombés dans une nouvelle attaque armée dans l’Anzourou (Tillabéri). Source : actuniger
Au moins quinze (15) soldats ont été tués et plusieurs autres blessés dans une nouvelle attaque par des individus armés non identifiés, ce jeudi à Dagné, dans l’Anzourou, dans la Région de Tillabéri. Cette nouvelle attaque terroriste intervient quelques jours après l’embuscade meurtrière de Banibangou, dans la même zone dite des trois frontières, et qui a fait officiellement 69 victimes civiles.
Nigeria : Boko Haram et le groupe État islamique ont repris leurs combats .Source
Au Nigeria, malgré la mort de leur chef Abubakar Shekau, qui avait déclenché sa ceinture d’explosifs en mai 2021, les deux organisations djihadistes ont repris leurs combats dans le nord-est du pays.
Au Nigeria, les combats entre Boko Haram et l’Etat islamique s’intensifient autour du lac Tchad. Source
Les deux organisations se livrent à un combat à mort dans le nord-est du pays où l’Iswap a pris l’avantage sur la mouvance anciennement dirigée par Abubakar Shekau.
Terrorisme au Sahel: la force Takuba s’agrandit. Source : Benin web TV
La ministre française des Armées, Florence Parly, a annoncé mardi, que la Lituanie va rejoindre la force Takuba pour lutter contre le terrorisme au Sahel.
Terrorisme au Sahel : la Lituanie va rejoindre la force Takuba. Source : Agence Anadolu
La Lituanie a annoncé son souhait de rejoindre la force Takuba, pour lutter contre le terrorisme au Sahel, selon une information publiée mardi par la ministre française des Armées, Florence Parly, sur ses réseaux sociaux.
G5 Sahel : Un plan de communication en cours d’élaboration Source: G5 Sahel
L’atelier d’élaboration du Plan d’action de communication du G5 Sahel se tient depuis hier à Bamako. L’ouverture des travaux a été présidée par le chargé de communication du G5 Sahel, Abdoul Salam Diagana, en présence du représentant de la Coopération allemande (GIZ/G5 Sahel), Mamadou Diallo.
Niger : les habitants de Banibangou restent inquiets. Source : TV5 monde
L’inquiétude domine chez les habitants de Banibangou, ville de l’ouest du pays, dont soixante-neuf habitants sont morts dans une embuscade tendue par de présumés jihadistes, la semaine dernière. Ce week-end, le président Mohamed Bazoum s’est rendu sur place afin de rassurer la population, mais son discours n’a pas apaisé les craintes des habitants.
Paix et sécurité / Peace & Security
La Réunion des Ministres de la Justice des pays du G5 Sahel institutionnalisée. Source G5 Sahel
La réunion des Ministres de la Justice du G5 Sahel a été un évènement historique dans l’évolution G5 Sahel. C’est en effet la toute première fois que les Ministres en charge de la Justice se réunissent pour échanger sur les questions liées à la coopération dans l’espace G5 Sahel ainsi que sur le rôle central de leurs départements dans la lutte contre le terrorisme et la criminalité transnationale organisée. Les Ministres de la Justice des 5 pays du Sahel et du Sénégal, en tant que représentants de la Plateforme de Coopération en matière Pénale du Sahel (PCJS) ont signé un Protocole d’Accord avec le Secrétariat Exécutif du G5 Sahel, un accord innovant qui permettra d’insuffler de nouvelles dynamiques et approches en matière de coopération policière et judiciaire
Humanitaire/ Humanitarian
Des artistes africains chantent le Sahel « pour éveiller les consciences ». Source
Une chanson vaut parfois mille discours. Pour attirer l’attention sur la crise multiforme du Sahel, des artistes maliens, nigériens et sénégalais ont collaboré avec le Bureau des Nations unies pour la Coordination des affaires humanitaires (OCHA) afin de faire écho, en musique, à la situation dans la région.
Selon l’Enquête Nationale sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle au Cameroun publiée en avril 2021, un ménage sur quatre est en situation d’insécurité alimentaire dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord qui compte plus de 341 000 déplacés internes et présente un taux de malnutrition chronique estimé à 38,2 %.
Sahel : la FAO veut mobiliser 73,4 millions $ pour lutter contre l’insécurité alimentaire dans le Liptako-Gourma. Source : Agence ecofin
Le problème de l’insécurité alimentaire dans la région du Liptako‑Gourma dure depuis plusieurs années. En mars 2021, le cadre harmonisé avait annoncé que 2,3 millions de personnes dans la région seraient en insécurité alimentaire sur la période juin-août.
Guerre de la faim. Source : reliefweb
La population nigériane dans les zones de conflit sera confrontée à une insécurité alimentaire continue jusqu’à l’année prochaine. La dernière prévision est que près de 17 millions de personnes seront en situation de crise ou d’urgence en matière d’insécurité alimentaire en 2022. Le rapport a été publié par le cadre semestriel du Cadre Harmonize dirigé par le ministère de l’Agriculture. Environ 2,6 millions de personnes sont déplacées en raison des 12 années d’insurrection dans le nord-est et le bassin du lac Tchad dans son ensemble. Le banditisme impitoyable dans le nord-ouest a déplacé au moins 160 000 personnes dans les États de Sokoto, Kaduna, Kebbi, Niger, Zamfara et Katsina. Aussi, près de 41 000 personnes ont fui la zone vers la République du Niger. En outre, des années de violence entre agriculteurs et éleveurs ont déplacé environ 300 000 personnes à travers le pays.
Fonds humanitaire du Nigéria : 23,8 millions de dollars pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires critiques dans le nord-est du Nigéria. Source reliefweb
02 novembre 2021, ABUJA, Nigéria. À une époque de besoins humanitaires sans précédent, de manque de financement, de COVID-19 et de chocs climatiques, le Nigeria Humanitarian Fund (NHF) alloue 23,8 millions de dollars à 75 partenaires humanitaires éligibles, y compris des organisations non gouvernementales nationales, pour les aider à répondre aux besoins humanitaires critiques. et veiller à ce que l’aide essentielle parvienne aux personnes touchées par les conflits, l’insécurité alimentaire, les intempéries et les épidémies dans le nord-est du Nigéria.
Stabilisation & Développement économique / Stabilization & Economic Recovery
Diffa : Un forum régional de l’Eau et de l’assainissement regroupe les collectivités territoriales de la région. Source : Agence Nigérienne de Presse
Diffa, Le secrétaire général du ministère de l’Hydraulique et de l’Assainissement, M. Maman Moussa a procédé, ce lundi 08 novembre 2021 dans la salle de réunion du conseil régional de la ville de Diffa, au lancement du forum régional de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement qui a regroupé les collectivités territoriales de la région.
Sahel : Conflits sociaux, changement climatique et sécurité. Source : moroccomail
Ces dernières années ont été caractérisées par un labyrinthe complexe d’opinions et d’analyses sur la zone sahélienne. Défini tantôt comme un « no man’s land », tantôt comme la lisière prolifique du désert, tout le monde regarde le Sahel avec un grand intérêt. Les représentations et les imaginaires projetés sur cette région du monde laissent souvent trop de place à l’ingérence des puissances occidentales, faisant oublier à l’opinion publique internationale que le Sahel reste composé d’une pluralité d’Etats indépendants qui veillent à leurs propres intérêts et partagent les problèmes locaux.
Cameroun : les réfugiés nigérians de Minawao luttent contre la désertification. Source
Dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord, au Cameroun, les réfugiés nigérians du camp de Minawao tentent depuis quatre ans de stopper l’avancée du désert. Il progresse chaque année de 12 % dans cette région, où il pleut en moyenne trois fois moins que dans le reste du pays. Grâce à ce programme du Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies, plus de 360 000 plants ont déjà été cultivés dans la pépinière et plantés sur plus de 100 hectares. Reportage de nos correspondants Marcel Amoko et Michel Mvondo.
Opération Barkhane : » La France ne peut pas mener une guerre permanente au Sahel « .Source
La présence militaire française au Sahel va être fortement réduite ces prochains mois, passant de 5100 soldats à 3000 au maximum. La réduction de l’opération Barkhane, engagée depuis 2013 dans la guerre contre les groupes djihadistes qui sévissent au nord du Mali, pourrait changer la donne dans toute l’Afrique de l’ouest
Expansion du terrorisme et de la radicalisation au Sahel : La pauvreté, le chômage et l’exclusion sociale, les racines du mal. Source
Expansion du terrorisme et de la radicalisation au Sahel : La pauvreté, le chômage et l’exclusion sociale, les racines du mal Les nombreuses causes de la radication des jeunes sont, entre autres, la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale. C’est ce qui ressort des différentes études réalisées par Timbuktu Institute et rappelées par son directeur, Bacary Samb. Il a pris part le vendredi 5 novembre, au déjeuner avec les éditeurs de presse, organisé dans le cadre des activités préparatives du Forum sur la Paix et la Sécurité de Dakar.
Nigeria : l’insécurité alimentaire et les agitations sécessionnistes. Source : Sahel Intelligence
Le ministre de la défense, Salihi Magashi, a déploré lundi que l’insécurité alimentaire soit devenue une « nouvelle dimension de menace » pour la stabilité de la nation. Magashi a également exprimé son inquiétude face à l’augmentation des agitations sécessionnistes dans le sud-est et le sud-ouest, l’insurrection dans le nord-est et le banditisme et les éleveurs armés/milices dans le nord-ouest et le centre-nord.
Media en Anglais
Regional News
One killed, two abducted as gunmen attack University community in Niger. Source: The Cable
One person has been reportedly killed in an attack on Gidan-Kwano, the host community of the Federal University of Technology (FUT), Minna, Niger state. Two persons were also kidnapped in the attack that occurred opposite the main gate of the university’s campus on Wednesday night. When contacted, Wasiu Abiodun, police public relations officer in Niger state, said two persons were abducted.
Military Troops Recover 104 Livestock, Rescue 33 Abducted by bandits, kidnappers. Source: PRNigeria
The troops of the Armed Forces of Nigeria and other security agencies have continued to sustain the operational tempo in the land, maritime and air operations across the various theatres of operation in the Country. The operational activities of our troops across the Country in the past 2 weeks recorded significant results. Today’s brief will cover summary of our operational activities from 29 Oct to 11 Nov 2021.
Boko Haram terrorists suffer heavy loss in Pulka. Source: The Guardian
Troops of Operation Hadin Kai (OPHK) have inflicted heavy casualty on Boko Haram and Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists in an ambush in Pulka general area, the Nigerian Army has disclosed. The Director, Army Public Relations, Brig.-Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, in a statement on Wednesday, said the operation was conducted by troops deployed at 192 Battalion Forward Operations Base (FOB) on Wednesday. Nwachukwu said the operation was intelligence-driven conducted with precision in conjunction with members of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) and local vigilantes. He said that four terrorists were neutralised during the encounter while a large cache of arms were recovered. According to him, the fierce encounter occurred in Rengye, an area suspected to be the terrorists’ crossing point.
Troops Eliminate ISWAP Terrorists in Pulka as Army Chief Charges Soldiers to be Decisive on Criminals. Source: PRNigeria
Troops Eliminate ISWAP Terrorists in Pulka as Army Chief Charges Soldiers to be Decisive on Criminals. Troops of Operation HADIN KAI (OPHK) deployed at 192 Battalion Foward Operations Base (FOB) have inflicted heavy casualty on Boko Haram(BH) and Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists in an ambush in Pulka general area. It was an Intelligence driven operation that was conducted with precision in conjunction with members of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) and local vigilantes. The operation left four of the criminal elements neutralized and a good number of arms recovered. The fierce encounter occured in Rengye, an area suspected to be the terrorists’ crossing point. Aside the neutralized terrorists, several others escaped with injuries, leaving traces of blood behind, as they fled in disarray.
ISWAP Attacks Hometown of Borno Deputy Speaker in Askira Uba. Source: PRNigeria
ISWAP terrorists have attacked the hometown of Engr Abddullahi Musa Askira, the Deputy Speaker of Borno State House Assembly in Askira Uba. PRNigeria gathered that the attack was carried our at Chan Chan Dana Community in Askira Uba. An intelligence source said that the ISWAP terrorists disguised as visitors in the morning to survey the area before the attack.
Nigerian Troops Eliminate 4 ISWAP Terrorists in Mafa. Source: PRNigeria
The Nigerian troops have killed four SWAP terrorists at Ngwom community in Mafa Local Government Area, of Borno state on Tuesday evening. PRNigeria gathered that the terrorists had sneaked into town the town on six gun trucks through a cattle crossing point within Mafa axis at about 6:50 pm. While the mission of the insurgents was not clear, there is a military formation on the axis. A military intelligence told PRNigeria that the troops from the 195 Battalion Operation Hadin Kai in Jere were mobilised after receiving an alert on the movement of terrorists in the town.
Court sentences Boko Haram Member by hanging. Source: The Cable
A high court in Ekiti state has sentenced Abdulsalam Adinoyi, identified as a member of the Boko Haram sect, to death by hanging. Adinoyi was arraigned on a five-count charge bordering on armed robbery, murder, terrorism, and unlawful possession of firearms. In the charge, Adinoyi, an indigene of Okene, Kogi state, was said to have attacked and robbed Gana Jiya, a police sergeant, and other police officers at a checkpoint in Oye Ekiti. While Jiya was killed on the spot, other police officers on duty sustained gunshot wounds. He was also accused of carting away two AK-47 rifles and launching a “terrorist attack” on the people of Ekiti state and its environs. All these were said to have happened between December 22, 2016 and March 20, 2017.
Nigeria-Niger Joint Commission To Promote Cooperation, Peace In Border Communities. Source: North East Start
The Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha has said that the Nigeria/Niger Joint Commission for Cooperation (NNJCC) is to promote border communities’ mutual understating and peace. According to him, the Local Bilateral Committee (LBC) was to identify and propose the implementation of development projects in the Lake Chad Basin. Mustapha represented by the Permanent Secretary (Political), Andrew Adejo disclosed this yesterday (Monday) while opening the LBC meeting in Maiduguri at the Government House. “As you’re all aware; LBC was created in July, 1990 in Maiduguri between Nigeria and Niger by signing an agreement for a joint commission for cooperation,” he said, stating that the objective of cooperation was to promote mutual understanding, peace and well-being of people in the communities.
Insecurity: Defence Minister Magashi Laments Over Increase In Food Prices. Source: North East Star
Minister of Defence, Bashir Magashi, has said the rising cost of food prices across the country is as a result of the prevalence of insecurity in the country. Magashi spoke on Monday at the opening of a retreat for defence advisers/attaches, organised by the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) in Abuja. He said, “The threats currently facing Nigeria and understanding their socio-geographic context is pivotal for adapting appropriate and lasting counter-measures. Regrettably, the prevalence of these threats has continued to endanger not only national security and economic growth, but also food security. In particular, food security has been adversely affected with the attendant rise in the prices of foodstuff across the country which portends a new dimension of threat
Good Roads, Barracks Fasten Counter-Terrorism Operations In Northeast – Commander. Source: North East Star
The Theatre Commander, Joint Task Force, Operation Hadin Kai (OPHK), Maj-Gen. Christopher Musa has said that good roads and barracks’ affect the counter-terrorism operations in the Northeast. Musa spoke; yesterday (Friday), when he paid a visit to Mohammed Alkali, the Managing Director of North East Development Commission (NEDC) in Maiduguri of Borno state. According to him, the poor state of roads fuels terrorism and hinders the smooth counter-insurgency operations in Borno and Yobe states. Citing the 135-km Maiduguri/Monguno road, he lamented that it takes six hours, instead of two for troops to reach the Lake Chad region frontlines.
ECOWAS Imposes Sanctions On Mali, Maintains Measures Against Military Takeover In Guniea. Source: Daily Trust
An ECOWAS Extraordinary Summit of the Authority of Heads of State and Government which held in Accra, Ghana, to review the political situations in Guinea and Mali, has decided to maintain the sanctions imposed on Guinea and impose similar ones against the Mali Transitional Government. The Communique at the end of the 3rd Extraordinary Summit on Guinea and Mali attended by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, SAN on behalf of the President, stated that “the Authority decides to uphold the suspension of the Republic of Guinea from all ECOWAS governing bodies as well as the travel ban and freeze on financial assets imposed on the members of the CNRD and their family members until constitutional order is restored,” in the country. Similarly, regarding Mali, the ECOWAS leaders at a meeting presided over by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of Ghana and Chair of the ECOWAS Authority resolved that in “conformity with the decision taken on 16th September 2021, the Authority decides to impose sanctions with immediate effect against individuals and groups who have been identified, including the entire transition authorities and the other transition institutions.
Nigerian Troops Kill 5 Terrorists, Thwart ISWAP’s Attempt to Hijack Military Consignment. Source: PRNIgeria
Nigerian troops have foiled attempts by the Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) to attack a military convoy and seize a consignment meant for the ongoing counter-insurgency operations. The troops also killed terrorists in another attempt to abduct travellers. This attempt took place along Damaturu-Maiduguri road. PRNigeria gathered that the intelligence services had alerted troops on the plan by terrorists to stage the attack, after intercepting their communication. A top military source confirmed that the convoy was heavily protected and reached its destination safely.
Boko Haram attacks military base in Borno. Source: The Guardian
Suspected Boko Haram terrorists, in five gun trucks, have attacked a military base at Tamsukawu in Kaga Local Council of Borno State. The Guardian gathered that the terrorists burst from the southern fringe of Sambisa Forest, yesterday, and targeted soldiers at the base, chanting “Allahu Akbar” (‘God is great’ in Arabic) with the residents running for dear lives. However, the terrorists reportedly spared civilians. Confirming yesterday’s incident in Maiduguri, the Commander, Sector 3 of Civilian Joint Task Force (JTF), Modu Fannami, disclosed that the terrorists were in military uniform.
ISWAP Abducts Royal Family Members of Askira Uba. Source: PRNigeria
The Islamic State of West Africa Province, ISWAP, have abducted a 50-year-old man identified as Mohammed Askira, alongside his two brothers who belong to the royal family of Askira Uba Emirate of Borno State. PRNigeria gathered that they were kidnapped while travelling to Maiduguri, the Borno State capital after attending a function in Askira Uba town. Sources said the 50-year-old man, and his siblings are all brothers to the present Emir of Askira Uba. As ISWAP terrorists intensify their kidnapping activities in that axis there is growing concern over the activities of informants who leaked information on movements of security personnel and other personalities to terrorist groups in the axis.
ISWAP Appoints Sani Shuwaram as New Leader… Plans Missions in Northern Borno. Source: PRNigeria
Members of Shura (Judicial) Council of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists’ groups have appointed Sani Shuwaram, a 45-year-old as a new Leader (Wali) in the Lake Chad. Sources told PRNigeria that little-known Sani Shuwaram replaced Aba-Ibrahim, who was appointed by Abu-Mosab Albarnawi’s Interim Committee following a directive from the Headquarters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), in August 2021. Shuwaram was sworn by an Alkali (Judge) Bukar Arge, in a brief ceremony in KURNAWA,a remote camp in the Lake Chad Basin fringes considered as the de-facto headquarters of ISWAP, in Abadam Local Government Area in Borno state. Shuwaram would be the fifth officially recognised ISWAP figure by ISIS Central, after Mamman Nur, Abu-Mosab Albarnawwy, Abbah-Gana, Abu-Dawud, also known as Abu Hafsat Al-Ansari and Aba-Ibrahim.
Troops, ISWAP In Gun Battle At Tamsukawu Village Along Maiduguri-Damaturu Road. Source: HumAngle
Reports reaching HumAngle from security sources indicate that there is an ongoing gun battle between troops of the Nigerian security forces and the members of the ISWAP faction of Boko Haram. The source said the attack started about 10:30 a.m. WAT when suspected ISWAP terrorists came to take over the Maiduguri-Damaturu highway at a spot near Tamsukawu village.
It has been reported that the terrorists had recently begun to mount illegal checkpoints on the locations soldiers used to have random checkpoints to deceive unsuspecting travellers whom they often attack and abduct. The source said “the gun battle is on as we talk right now, if you have people travelling along that route, better alert them.” He added that “the Nigeria Air Force has also been scrambled to respond to the situation.”
ISWAP’s transport inventory, engineering capacities feeding its campaign of terror. Source: HumAngle
ISWAP’s ability to capture, modify, and utilise motorised vehicles, as well as navigate water bodies with boats, has allowed the group to sustain terror campaigns and state-like activities in Northeast Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin. Since its 2016 split from Jama’atu Ahlis Sunnah lid-Da’wati wa’l-Jihad also known as JAS or Boko Haram, ISWAP has become one of the most potent franchises of the Islamic State and the dominant terror group in the Lake Chad Basin. The group uses diverse modes of transportation ranging from boats, motorcycles, pickup trucks, and, more recently, improvised up-armoured carriers to move within and outside its enclaves. The Toyota Hilux and Buffalo land cruisers pickup trucks are usually mounted with Heavy Machine Guns (HMG) such as the Soviet-designed NSV and DShK HMGs, Chinese-designed W-85, and Type 85 HMGs chambered for 12.7 mm bullets. Other light trucks in the group’s inventory are equipped with multiple rocket launcher tubes for firing 107mm and 122mm unguided rockets while some trucks have been seen in dual configuration with a recoilless gun and HMG.
Podcast: Vestiges Of Violence: Episode 33. What It Means To Be Sick In An IDP Camp. Source: HumAngle
Displaced persons at the Tse-Yandev camp in Makurdi, North-central Nigeria, are confronted with a health crisis. Men and women, especially the aged, are falling sick and children are dying after bouts of illness. The government is failing them and they continue to use local herbs, hoping that by some miracle they will eventually get better.
Peace and Security
After 15 years, the AU should revamp its peacebuilding approach. Source: Premium Times
The African Union’s (AU) efforts to rebuild societies divided and damaged by conflict should be reconsidered to match the continent’s current needs and realities. The body’s Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) policy adopted 15 years ago signalled a commitment not just to manage disputes but tackle their root causes in the search for sustainable peace. To mark this pledge, the AU’s PCRD Awareness Week from 7 to 13 November aims to reflect on and strengthen Africa’s peacebuilding efforts. For the AU, putting the 2006 policy into practice has been difficult for three reasons. First, the recurring nature of conflicts on the continent has left little room for peacebuilding, which follows once clashes have ended. Second, most PCRD work is directed from AU headquarters in Addis Ababa and carried out by several AU liaison offices. These offices have played a key role so far but require more support from the AU and member states. The liaison offices’ function should be strengthened to enable direct engagement with local, national and regional stakeholders. Sustained financing is needed, along with better coordination of PCRD within the AU. Peacebuilding should also be included in AU-related strategies. Third, despite the formation by the AU of the African Solidarity Initiative in 2012, funding commitments from member states have been inadequate. The initiative was set up to facilitate intra-African cooperation and mobilise resources for PCRD. It recognised Africa’s capacity to provide financial and technical support, which would reduce the continent’s reliance on international funding for peacebuilding.
Insecurity: Nigeria facing ‘new dimensions of threats’ – Defence minister. Source: Premium Times
The Minister of Defence, Bashir Magashi, says the prevalence of the various security threats in Nigeria has adversely affected food security thereby posing new dimension of threats to the country. Mr Magashi, a retired major general, stated this at the opening of a retreat for Defence Advisers/Attaches Conference, organised by the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) on Monday in Abuja. The conference/retreat has the theme, ‘’Advancing Counterterrorism Efforts through Enhanced Inter-Agency Cooperation: A Whole of Government Approach”. He said the attacks by Boko Haram Terrorists and Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) in the North-east as well as banditry and herder/militia in the North-west and North-central had continued to pose serious security threats to Nigeria. According to him, the littoral states in the South-south region are plagued with illegal oil bunkering, piracy and militancy while the South-east is challenged with secessionist activities of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). He added that the South-west region is equally faced with secessionist inclination driven by ethnic agitators as well as occasional tensions between herders and farmers.
DIA Hosts Counter-Terrorism Conference for Defence Advisers/Attaches. Source: PRNigeria
The Defence Intelligence Agency(DIA) is conducting Defence Advisers/Attachés Annual Conference and Maiden Retreat for the 2021 with the theme” Advancing Counter Terrorism Efforts Through Enhanced Inter-Agency Cooperation: A Whole of Government Approach”. The event is scheduled to hold from 8-13 November 2021 at Headquarters Defence Intelligence Agency and Nigerian Army Resource Centre (NARC), Asokoro Abuja respectively. The event is one of the veritable platforms designed by the Agency to examine and re-appraise Nigeria’s Defence Advisers/Attachés and foreign defence relations. It will also assist in articulating new strategies in intelligence gathering.
NAF Enhances Airpower Capabilities for Counterterrorism- Air Marshal Amao. Source: PRNigeria
The Chief of Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Oladayo Amao has disclosed that the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has taken measures to enhance its airpower capabilities for the conduct of irregular warfare and counterterrorism in support of surface forces. Some of these measures, according to the CAS, include doctrinal development and human capacity building as well as aircraft and equipment acquisition and sustenance. Air Marshal Amao disclosed this while delivering the keynote address at the International Fighter Conference 2021 held in London, United Kingdom. In a paper titled, “Operational Insights, Current Capabilities and Future Priorities of the NAF”, Air Marshal Amao noted that sustaining air power capabilities, given its diverse nature, was a challenge for the NAF in the past. Even more challenging was the drive to ensure the availability, responsible use, and effectiveness of critical airpower capabilities for counterterrorism and counterinsurgency.
DHQ Trains Military spokespersons on Conflict Sensitive Communication: Source: PRNigeria
The Defence Headquarters has organised a capacity-building workshop on conflict-sensitive communication and strategic media relations for public relations and information officers in the Armed Forces of Nigeria. The Chief of Defence Staff, General Lucky Irabor, said the training workshop was aimed at further expanding the knowledge base of the officers. Irabor was represented by the Chief of Defense Policy and Plans, Air Vice Marshal Dahiru Sanda, at the workshop, with the theme: “Proactive Conflict Sensitive Communication and Defense Information: Emerging Issues and Strategies in Media Relations.” He said the training was designed to broaden the horizon of officers on the evolving techniques and strategies in media relations geared towards positive defense information management. The CDS said it was in furtherance of his leadership focus of fostering a professional armed force capable of effectively meeting constitutional imperatives. According to him, the workshop is critical in their resolve to ensure that public relations and information officers are able to meet up with current and future realities of defense information management.
Northeast Humanitarian Crisis Gulps Over $3.2 Billion In 5 Years – UN. Source: HumAngle
The United Nations said it mobilised over $3.2 billion as donor funds for intervention and management of the Boko Haram-induced humanitarian crisis in Northeast Nigeria in the past five years. Edward Kallon, the current UN Humanitarian Coordinator and head of the Nigerian Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said this during a sendforth dinner in Maiduguri on Tuesday. Kallon, a Sierra Leonean who assumed office in 2016 as the foremost UN envoy in Nigeria is expected to end his five year stint this month. Delivering a speech at the dinner, Mr Kallon said his stint went with many positive achievements despite being a complex one.
Refugee Commission: Number of IDPs increased in the past year by one million. Source: The Cable
The National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI) says the humanitarian crisis in the country has displaced more than one million Nigerians within the past year. Imaan Sulaiman-Ibrahim, the federal commissioner for the NCFRMI, said this on Monday, when she appeared before the House of Representatives committee on internally displaced persons (IDPs). According to Sulaiman-Ibrahim, over 500,000 Nigerians are to be repatriated from neighbouring countries. “Due to the current unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Nigeria and the alarming growth rate of displacement, the number of IDPs has increased in the past one year by about one million, causing the number of displaced persons in Nigeria to rise to a frightening three million,” she said. “Nigeria is also a host to about 73,000 refugees from 23 countries, with over 500,000 Nigerians awaiting repatriation from Chad, Cameroon, Cameroon, Libya and other countries.”
How UNICEF supports Borno Save Children, Women in IDP camps. Source: North East Star
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Health Manager, Dr. Clement Adams has said that emergency health services have improved to save lives in Borno. According to him, women and children are prevented from dying in Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps and host communities in the state. Adams on Monday stated in Maiduguri that said there is however, urgent need to expand services to more conflict affected children. He noted that despite the delivery of healthcare services in IDP camps, there are more children to be reached, particularly the hard to reach areas.
45 million people ‘teetering on the edge of famine’ globally – WFP. Source: Premium Times
Programme (WFP) has warned that the number of people teetering on the edge of famine in 43 countries had risen to 45 million – up by three million in 2021 – as acute hunger spikes around the world. This number has risen from 42 million earlier 2021, and 27 million in 2019, the agency said in a statement on Monday. The increase is based on those who are living within the official hunger classification of IPC4 (and worse) in Afghanistan, alongside other increases in Ethiopia, Haiti, Somalia, Angola, Kenya, and Burundi. “Tens of millions of people are staring into an abyss. We have conflict, climate change and COVID-19 driving up the numbers of the acutely hungry. “And the latest data show there are now more than 45 million people marching towards the brink of starvation,” said WFP Executive Director David Beasley. He was speaking following a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan, where WFP is ramping up its support for almost 23 million people in need there.
Fire Guts Muna IDP Camp In Maiduguri. Source: HumAngle
A fire outbreak has razed at least 500 shelters at the Muna camp for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Maiduguri, capital of Borno state, Northeast Nigeria. The incident happened barely a year after a similar inferno gutted the camp in May 2020, in an incident that claimed two lives and destroyed the 1,613 households there. The camp was also razed in March 2018. The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has confirmed the incident saying that the situation has been contained. Sources familiar with the incident said the outbreak occurred around noon even as no clear cause of the fire has been identified. A NEMA spokesman, Abdulkadir Ibrahim said “the fire outbreak at Muna garage was brought under control by the Fire Service; more details to be provided after Assessment by NEMA and BOSEMA.” A source at the camp, Abubakar Garba, told HumAngle that “the incident was not as bad as that of last; we have about 500 houses that were burnt so far.”
MSF Supports Women In Mali To Fight Breast And Cervical Cancer. Source: HumAngle
Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders, an International NGO is supporting the women in Bamako, Mali in the fight against breast and cervical cancer. The organisation, in collaboration with Mali’s Ministry of Health, and its many partners said it screened more than 5,000 women in Bamako during the Pink October campaign. Alice Authier, MSF’s oncology project coordinator in Mali said early diagnosis, particularly in the case of breast cancer, is essential to improving chances of survival and ensuring speedy access to treatment.
“Our aim has been to develop a project with the Malian authorities to ensure all women with suspected breast or cervical cancer have access to screening, diagnosis and treatment,” she added. The organisation also said it has been providing three therapies depending on the stage of cancer, which can be either used together or separately; the therapies are surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.