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Insurgents behead nine fishermen in gruesome attack

18 October 2024
Reading time: 5 minutes

Residents of Konduga town in Borno State say they are alarmed and shocked by the ‘horrific and grisly slaughter’ of nine fishermen who were found beheaded

Nine fishermen have been beheaded in what locals have described as a “horrific and grisly” attack by insurgents in the Konduga Local Government Area of Borno State.
The gruesome killings occurred on Wednesday, October 16.

Mallum Kyari, a displaced man who escaped the deadly attack, told RNI that the insurgents – thought to be members of the Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’way Wa’l-Jihād (JAS), more commonly referred to as Boko Haram – were “brutal and cruel”.
He said his brother was among those beheaded.

The fishermen – all displaced men who stayed in a community camp in Konduga town – were camping at the riverside and were attacked while they were sleeping.
“Because of all the rain, the river is very full and there are lots of fish. Many people have been going to the river to fish. We went on Tuesday. We decided to stay overnight on the riverbank so that we could catch more fish.

“The place where we spent the night is regarded as quite safe because it is close a military base. But, on Wednesday night, while we were sleeping, the Boko Haram arrived. Although they had guns, they did not use them because they did not want to alert the soldiers. No one heard them and no one came to our rescue.

“As soon as I saw the armed men, I realised they were about to attack us. I ran into the bushes. I was terrified but I managed to get away. I hid in the bushes for a long time. With the help of Almighty Allah, I managed to escape.

“Sadly, my brother was not so lucky. He and eight other fishermen were slaughtered like animals. The attack was horrific and grisly. The Boko Haram had cutlasses, axes and knives – one by one the fishermen were slaughtered. It was sickening.

“The insurgents did not shoot a single bullet. The military base is close by, so they did not fire their guns because it would have made a loud noise and the soldiers would have come.

“We thought we would be safe if we stayed so close to the base. We have spent days and nights there previously without any problems. Even this time, we arrived on Tuesday, fished all day and spent the night peacefully. On Wednesday we fished again. We were sleeping when the insurgents came. If I had not heard them, I would have been slaughtered too.

“The bodies of the slain fishermen have been recovered and buried according to Islamic rites. May Allah grant them eternal peace,” Kyari said.

Abana Mammodube (not his real name), a displaced man from Konduga town, said people in the area were shocked and frightened by the killings.

“It is fairly common for insurgents to abduct people – particularly farmers and fishermen – for ransom. But there has not been such a gruesome attack in which people were beheaded for a long time.

“Everyone is alarmed. Now we are too afraid to go into the forest to fetch firewood or to go to our lands to farm. Fishermen are also scared – they do not want to go to the river. It’s a problem because that is how the people in this area make a living – by fishing and farming. Others collect firewood, some of which they use, the rest they sell.

“The insurgents usually kidnap people. They demand a ransom of around ₦500,000 from the families and they will not release their captives until they get the money. Sometimes they demand food and cellphones as well.

“This is the worst attack of its kind in recent times. It is truly shocking. Everyone is worried.”

Mammodube said people in the town were pleading with the Borno State government to beef up security.

“Stringent security measures are needed to ensure the protection of lives and property of the people, especially farmers and fishermen in riverine and agrarian communities.”

Ali Kawo, a local hunter, confirmed that the fishermen were displaced persons who lived with their wives and children in a community camp in Konduga town.

“The nine fishermen were brutally slaughtered. The attack seemed to be well planned. The insurgents were quiet. They crept up on the sleeping men and attacked them with cutlasses, axes and knives. Every one of them was beheaded.”

“The attack is very worrisome not only for the inhabitants of Konduga town but also for security operatives.

“Right now, the military, Civilian Joint Task Force members, local hunters, vigilantes and other security operatives have intensified daily patrols into the nearby forests to try to curtail further deadly attacks.

“We are on high alert and we will not rest. We are doing our best to protect our dear people, particularly the farmers and fishermen. May Allah help us all.”


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