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Abducted professor and 29 others still being held captive

10 March 2025
Reading time: 4 minutes

There has been no word of a Nigerian Army University Biu professor and 29 others who were abducted by insurgents more than a week ago in an attack on the Damaturu-Biu road.

An Army University professor is one of 30 people still being held captive by insurgents after they were abducted on Sunday, March 2, on the Damaturu-Biu road near Kamuya village in Nigeria’s northeast.

The insurgents, thought to be members of the Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’way Wa’l-Jihād (JAS), more commonly referred to as Boko Haram, stopped two Golf cars and a Borno Express bus and abducted the occupants.

Professor Abubakar Eljuma, the dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB), was among 30 people abducted.

The insurgents reportedly freed the women travellers and the bus driver. All the men, including Eljuma, were taken captive.

It is not known whether the insurgents have demanded a ransom and, if so, how much.

30 people taken away in two vehicles

A commercial driver, who travels from Maiduguri to Biu regularly, told Ndarason: “The insurgents took away the passengers – including all their valuables – in two vehicles. At least 30 people were abducted. The insurgents set fire to some of the vehicles.”

Candidates for vice-chancellor position

Eljuma was reportedly among 30 candidates who had applied for the position of vice-chancellor at the Nigerian Army University Biu. He is said to be one of the top contenders for the position.

Sources at the university confirmed the abduction and said an official statement would be released.

“We are requesting your prayers in this holy month of Ramadan for their quick release,” a source said.

A university official, who asked to remain anonymous, told Ndarason that the professor was returning from a family visit to Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, when the abduction took place.

Recurrent attacks in the Kamuya area

The abduction occurred near Kamuya village, along the axis of Biu Local Government Area of Borno State.

Villagers said the area had experienced multiple attacks over the years, including abductions, improvised explosive device (IED) bombings and killings.

The driver emphasised the need to beef up security surveillance.

“This is not the first time drivers and their passengers have been abducted or attacked. There have been numerous encounters with insurgents in the same location.”

Permanent security presence needed

The driver said that in the past, there had been a security checkpoint on the axis, but it was withdrawn when the security situation improved.

“It is definitely time to redeploy security personnel on a permanent basis in the area,” he said.

“Immediately after the abduction, the government increased the security presence but it is not clear how long this will last. What is needed is a permanent security presence on the axis to ensure smooth transportation.”

Fear and caution among travellers

Despite the increased security presence, commuters said they were afraid to travel on the Damaturu-Biu road because of frequent attacks by insurgents.

A passenger from the Biu Local Government Area, who arrived in Maiduguri on Wednesday, March 5, said: “The latest abduction has renewed our fear of travelling on the road. I know of several passengers who have postponed or cancelled their trips because they are so fearful.”

A similar incident occurred on June 24 last year when the insurgents – also thought to be JAS fighters – abducted a Borno State high court judge, his wife and his driver on the same axis. They were released on September 8 after paying a hefty ransom.

Judge Haruna Mshelia was kidnapped while travelling from Biu town to Maiduguri. A police orderly was killed in the attack, which occurred between Buratai and Gujba villages.



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