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Malaria Season Marked by Net Distribution

21 September 2020
Reading time: 2 minutes

Malaria is a major public health problem in Nigeria where it account for more cases and deaths than any other country in the world.

There are an estimated 100 million malaria cases with over 300,000 deaths per year in the country.

In the northeast Nigeria where Almajiri system (Qur’anic education) is the most popular system of education, even though it seen as a system which encourages parents to leave parental responsibilities to the Islamic school.

Many parents sent out their teenagers children, mainly from the rural to the urban communities, in the name of studying the Holy Qur’an which at the end they often abandon.

In their efforts to protect these children (Almajiri) from Malaria especially in this rainy seasons, Ummin Rashida Care Foundation (URCF) in collaboration with Tandari Mashamari Development Association distributes over six hundred mosquito nets for Almajiri from Mashamari community in Borno State northeast, Nigeria today.

Some of the beneficiaries Mohammed Ali and Adam Musa who were recently recovered from Malaria fever, thanked the associations for the gesture, noting that this will go a long way in protecting them from the disease.

While speaking to Radio Ndarason International, Abbagana Amsami the Chairman of the Tandari-Mashamari Development Association and also the Coordinator for the distribution commend (URCF) for coming to the rescue of the teenagers. He also added that the mosquito nets were also given to windows and children orphaned by Boko Harm insurgents.

About the author

Elvis Mugisha