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Rice farmers in Jere thank Almighty Allah and rejoice over bumper harvest

7 December 2022
Reading time: 2 minutes

Rice growers in the Fariya community of the Jere Local Government Area in Borno State have recorded a bumper harvest despite recent heavy flooding caused by downpours that resulted in River Ngadda-Bul overflowing its banks – many other farmers’ lands were washed away, along with their crops.

Mamodu Shettima, a rice farmer from Fariya, told RNI that he was most grateful to Almighty Allah and thanked Him for the bumper harvest.

“So many farms were destroyed by the flooding. But even rice farmers who have about one hectare of land got 10 to 12 bags of rice. The farmers with land bigger than that got much more. Compared with last year, we have been incredibly lucky and we got a rich harvest. It’s unfortunate, though, that some farmers did not get any produce because their farms were destroyed by the flooding.”

Baba Gana said: “Compared with the past two years, we have been blessed with a rich harvest. Those years were very dry and the lack of water hit us hard. But this year we got more than enough water. With Almighty Allah’s help we got a bumper harvest, especially rice.”

Ba Alaji Fariya told RNI that there was a clear difference between this year and last year.

“Last year I got only four bags of rice because the farm was completely dry. But this year I got many bags.

“It is upsetting, though, that many farmers experienced a lot of challenges and great losses due to the flooding. These farmers were not able to produce even one bag of rice. And, although they were expecting help from the Jere Local Council, this has not occurred even though farmers in other local government areas received help from their councils.

“Here, though, some of the struggling farmers received help from local non-governmental organisations, who gave them some agricultural implements.

“I urge the Borno State government, as well as other concerned authorities in the Jere local council, to help these farmers. After all, we farmers are the backbone of food production.”


About the author

Mbodou Hassane Moussa

Journaliste de formation et de profession. Passionné par l'écriture, le digital et les médias sociaux, ces derniers n'ont aucun secret pour lui. Il a embrassé très tôt l'univers des médias et de la Communication. Titulaire d'une Licence en journalisme et d'un Master en Management des projets, Mbodou Hassan Moussa est éditeur Web du journal en ligne Toumaï Web Médias. Aujourd'hui, il est devenu Webmaster à la Radio Ndarason internationale et collabore à la réalisation du journal en langue française et dialecte Kanembou.