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Without urgent aid, people and animals in Gubio could die of thirst

6 June 2022
Reading time: 1 minute

Brief – Cattle ranchers in the Gubio Local Government Area of Borno State say their animals are getting sick, with some unable to even stand or walk, because of a desperate shortage of water.

They said only one of the two boreholes in the town was working. The lack of electricity and the high cost of diesel was a major problem because boreholes could not work without them.

Abatcha Kwayam said ranchers were scared of their livestock dying of thirst. They had even drawn up a roster so that ranchers would each get a turn at the borehole. Sometimes, Fulani herdsmen in the forest also went to the borehole to get water for their animals, putting more strain on the equipment.

He said if the government did not do something urgently people and animals could die of thirst.


About the author

Mbodou Hassane Moussa

Journaliste de formation et de profession. Passionné par l'écriture, le digital et les médias sociaux, ces derniers n'ont aucun secret pour lui. Il a embrassé très tôt l'univers des médias et de la Communication. Titulaire d'une Licence en journalisme et d'un Master en Management des projets, Mbodou Hassan Moussa est éditeur Web du journal en ligne Toumaï Web Médias. Aujourd'hui, il est devenu Webmaster à la Radio Ndarason internationale et collabore à la réalisation du journal en langue française et dialecte Kanembou.