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Wives and children call for justice for the murder of their husband and father

9 October 2023
Reading time: 5 minutes

Husband of four and father of 12 – with three more kids on the way – beaten to death with iron rod by perpetrators who killed him because they were envious of his successful business.

Four wives, three of whom are pregnant, and 12 children are begging the police in Maiduguri to arrest and bring to justice five men who allegedly beat a cattle trader to death because they were envious of his successful business.
Muhammad Joli, an internally displaced person (IDP) who lived at the Muna Kolori camp was murdered on Monday, September 4, at about 10pm.

Joli, originally from Jiro village in Ngom in the Mafa Local Government Area of Borno State, fled to Maiduguri nine years ago because of persistent and deadly attacks by insurgents.

He was a cattle trader who continued buying and selling cattle when he got to Maiduguri and was a successful businessman.

It is alleged that five men from his community severely beat Joli with an iron rod.

Three of the alleged perpetrators were identified as Bomboy, Haruna and Retire, a surrendered insurgent who was an Amir of the Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’way Wa’l-Jihād (JAS), better known as Boko Haram.

Residents at the camp and Muhammad’s wives said the perpetrators were envious of him because he ran such a successful business.

One resident, who asked to remain anonymous, said he had heard that the five men had been keeping surveillance on Muhammad for four days before they struck.

Falmata Adam, Muhammad’s first wife, told RNI that she had seven children with him and is pregnant again.

“I am from Ngom and we left there because of the insecurity nine years ago. I have three co-wives who have five children with Muhammad. Two of them are also pregnant now.

“It was the saddest day of my life when I learnt of my husband’s murder. And he died just because he was a successful businessman. The five men who killed him were envious of him.

“Bombay and Haruna are IDPs who stay in the same camp. The other one is a surrendered Boko Haram Amir, whose nickname is Retire. They beat our husband with a metal rod.”

Falmata said she did not know where he was on Monday night and thought he was with one of his other wives.

“It was only on Tuesday that we heard from his wife, Khaltum, about what had happened.”

She said the men had beaten him until he became unconscious. On Tuesday morning the perpetrators, scared that he might die in their hands, took him to the police but he died before they could get him to hospital.

The men were held by police for five days and then they were allowed them to go free, she said.

“Since his murder no one from the police has investigated his death. There has not been a trial and the men have not been sentenced. There has been no justice for his killing. Absolutely nothing has been done to the perpetrators. They are all walking free. All the police did was to keep them in custody for five days and then they let the killers go free,” Falmata said.
“I wish someone in power would stand by us and see to it that the perpetrators are punished for what they did to my late husband.”

Fanne Umar, Muhammad’s second wife, said she did not know how she would be able to feed the children.

“Before he died, I used to knit caps and sell them. He gave me the capital to start my business. But now he is gone and I don’t know how I am going to make a living. It is terrible for his children too. Apart from losing their father, I have had to take them out of the Western and Islamic schools.

“All of his wives live in Muna camp, which does hold lessons for children who are not in school. We will have to send our children there because it is for free and the other schools cost money. But the camp does not have the facilities of schools or trained teachers.”

Khaltum Gujja, Muhammad’s fourth wife, told RNI that she and two of his other wives were pregnant and one was breastfeeding.

“I had three children with Muhammad. We have all been left stranded by his killing. We don’t know how we will be able to support ourselves and our children.”

Binta Adam, Muhammad’s the third wife, said she had been relying on her family to help with food and money.

“Whatever I get from them, I use to feed the children. But I know I can’t live off them forever. I will have to find another means to support me and my children.”

Binta was angry that no one in the community had stood up and supported her husband.

“We are very poor. The police and other security personnel have done nothing to help us. We have to leave things in God’s hands. That’s all we can do.”


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