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Radio Ndarason Internationale


Livestock dealers say crashing naira is killing their business

23 January 2024

The seemingly ever-depreciating naira is making the buying and selling of livestock extremely challenging The drastic depreciation of the naira has made trade between Nigeria and its neighbours an extremely […]


Low turnout as All Progressives Congress wins local government elections in Borno State

22 January 2024

Governor says local government elections need to be enhanced to encourage more people at grassroots level to participate The ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) political party has won the chairmanship […]


Read the labels on medicines: Don’t get conned into buying expired or counterfeit drugs

16 January 2024

Some unscrupulous pharmacists and salesmen take advantage of people who cannot read and sell them expired or fake drugs, which could easily compromise their health. Pharmacists have warned the public […]

Massive hike in price of onion seedlings could result in shortage of the much sought-after vegetable

16 January 2024

Borno State is a major producer of onions – but farmers say they cannot afford to buy the seedlings and experts say this could drive up demand and increase prices. […]


World Bank hints that Nigerian government has not removed fuel subsidy

21 December 2023

World Bank says the price of petrol in Nigeria is not cost-reflective and should be higher if the fuel subsidy had been removed. The removal of the fuel subsidy by […]


Bleak Christmas in store for poor and indigent Christians

20 December 2023

The prohibitive cost of living means many Christians throughout Nigeria cannot prepare for Christmas celebrations because they simply do not have the money. Poor and indigent Christians in Maiduguri are […]


Environmentally friendly electric and gas-powered buses and taxis get Maiduguri residents going places

20 December 2023

In the second phase of his massive transit scheme, Borno State governor launches 107 electric and gas-powered buses and taxis to help make transport more affordable. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu […]


Charcoal briquettes may be the answer to ending deforestation and curtailing the scourge of the climate crisis

18 December 2023

Training teaches people to make charcoal briquettes from recycled waste materials – it’s cheap, healthier and efficient and it does not produce smoke or odours. Most Nigerians in northeastern Nigeria, […]


8 December 2023

Drivers get stern warning to stick to the rules of the road to avoid the high number of crashes – some of which had proved fatal in previous years – […]


Thousands of victims of Muna camp fire are in desperate need of humanitarian aid

24 November 2023

Most internally displaced persons at the camp have had to sleep in the open because they have nothing left and no place else to go. The disastrous fire that broke […]